Thursday, December 1, 2011

Petrov the Thinker

I'm Petrov the Thinker
I'm Very Very Smart
I'm sure you wont believe me friends but thinking is an art
Like an athlete or musician
I must be in good condition
If your asking how I'm keeping in the pink
I think!

I'm Petrov the Thinker
I'm very very wise
I started thinking young before I opened up my eyes
They said my mind was worth a lot
Because it was giving birth to thought
The doctors are finding what the cause is
Pregnant Pauses...

And when it came to money
Believe me I made lots
For everybody offered me
A penny for my thoughts

I'm petrov the thinker
By now you know the name
I'm number one for everyone
In Mental Hall of Fame

And Every Ignoramus
Asked me how I got so famous
Did I study? Did I practice? I did not!
I thought
and thought
and thought and thought and thought.

My god did I thought. You will not realize how I thought...All my waking hours every minute, every day, thought...
How Now Brown Cow I thought.
Thats how I'm discovering the secrets of succesful thinking
A secret even the greatest philosophers cannot teach you
Spinoza Can't, Hegel Cant, and Kant Cant

First you must think about something to think about
Then when you thought that you think it
Maybe a bell or a puss in the well, or a string, or a ring or a trinket
then quick as a wink you must sit down and think nevermind what the thought is abouta
but as soon as you got what you got from the thought it is time that you think of another

I will never forget the time that the great czar of russia is coming to me, and he's saying Nikolai. That's my first name Nikolai. Petrov Nikolai he says, I have a problem. Why is it that everytime I drop a piece of pumpernickel, it is falling with the butter side down. Ohhh, I realize right away that he's putting me to the test. And I realize that there isn't another man in all of Russia who can tell him why his piece of pumpernickel is falling with the butter side down. So I think, and I think, and I think, and I think.
And then I find the Answer. Your Highness I say the answer is very simple. You are buttering your pumpernickel on the wrong side...

From this time on people are coming from everwhere to learn the Petrov system. I am teaching to people from all countries. And thats why you will find that today absolutely 2011 the smartest people in the world today. Think.

In England Every Cricket Player thinks about this cricketthing
And able leaders stand in line to think about their picketing
We know what Richard Burnam think and Barnum thinks of Bailey
The Panels Fine on What's my Line, and Jon Stewarts Daily
Every Russian Politician thinks about his own ambition
And I think that this condition's driving them to drink. Hay!

So Remember the Words of Petrov.
I'll Try to Be Very Precise.
Your life can be so much better-off
If you'll only take my advice

Yes My Friends
Do You Realize that you can live to 127 years old? If you listen to Petrov. First, You must got to live for 126 years. Then... You have to be very very careful!

Though Petrov the thinker is brilliant to the core
You probly wonder why you never heard of him before
I will tell you confidentially
That Petrov is Essentially
A Thinker of Imaginary Kind.
Petrov the thinker, may think he's a thinker
But Petrov is all in my Mind!

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