Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ice Prisons

     I really don’t understand the bullshit that comes out of peoples mouths sometimes. It’s like everyone is in search of an honest person. Someone who is always there cares about what they do for them and not for themselves. Yet, the moment that push comes to shove they’d rather have someone who has no interest in them. That will keep their mouth shut. They create boundaries in order to keep themselves safe from the reality that they have created. That this person, this truthful idiot just blunders through because he cares. I’m a semi-smart person, but somehow I am truly a blundering idiot. Its as though the fact that I care and love others somehow is oppressive and all I want to do is talk. I don’t think about the insignificant details, I don’t understand keeping lies from the world, its like those states escape my mind even though I’m aware they exist. Maybe I’m a dreamer, maybe I’m stupid, maybe I’m lost in my own world. I really believe that we all deserve better than this. That we can all understand and be there for each other the same way that we are for a child who needs a bedtime story, or is crying. That we all care like how we feel when someone is on their deathbed and we want nothing more but to be there for them in those last moments.
    Why do so many people hate? What are so many people afraid of?

    I want to experience life as a flight, something that I act as myself every moment and don’t have to be ashamed because I care too much. I want to not have to keep secrets from the world just in order to get ahead, I want to share my secrets with the world that the whole world will be the better for it. We take all of this world and we try to separate it, yet we cant seem to notice that it is connected whether we want it to be or not. A tree is ALIVE! A car is ALIVE! We should live ALIVE! That our skin, and the air surrounding our body is a fire that sparks the true gift of our world into every moment. I cry more nights than I care to think of because I want the world to see the beauty.  I cry because we get so concerned with our petty problems that we can’t see that some dating dilemma is nothing compared to the hunger of a child, or any one of us starved for love. People have tried to get me to deal with this sadness, tried to make it make sense for me and that I will just let it go and “get used to it”. “It’s something you just have to live with”…Well its not something that I want to live with, I don’t want to be ok with it, I want us all to have that inner fire that we lost. I want us all to find that passion and drive that the world screams from the seams with. 

    Cast off the ice prison that we have created for ourselves, be utterly vulnerable, embrace one another as you wish to be embraced. I cry, because I don’t want anyone else to have to cry without someone to cry to.

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