Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Weasels are out to get you! Weasels that are hiding behind your eyes are searching desperately to escape! Function not as weasels do, but function as men. Have you ever seen the sunrise set? Have you ever seen the waterfall stand still? These are the proper things for man, to see nature as it is. Not as it spins by. Spinning in a cosmic soup bowl, alphabet soup spelling Eureka! Isn’t that curious? That life passes by as soon as we hope to grasp it. The ancient Greeks said you can’t step in the same river twice, but it’s not the same river as soon as you step into it. However by letting ourselves embrace the river for what it is, a river by whatever name we assign, it comes alive and is one the same as life. 

I was thinking this morning about why people are afraid of love. It is because you must realize that rather than sitting on the shoreline you must submerge yourself into the river. You must embrace the beauty of the world as you are rushed past by the currents. So much of humanity is on the shore that the river is barely able to make a wave. What is love? It is an all-embracing acceptance of the world around you. It is seeing with wonder and wanting to help and participate in the beauty that is existence. It is the journey from creation to creator. Not to a God necessarily, but to Man as an active participant and creator in the universe

So Weasels or Love?

Lay a Smile Today Pays Double in Many Ways
Lost Hearts are Found Easily

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